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Welcome to the Companion Website dedicated to the text, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration: Strategies for the 21st Century, Second Edition.

This Website is designed to:

  • Provide you with study aids to prepare for your class.
  • Help you master the material in the text.
  • Expand the scope of the textbook.
  • Grant you access to up-to-date information.

Student Resources

Interactive Flashcards
These Flashcards will guide you through the key definitions vital to your understanding of the Criminal Investigation, Fourth Edition.

Interactive Glossary
With our Interactive Glossary, you can search or browse all the key terms within Criminal Investigation, Fourth Edition in three different ways: by term, alphabetically, or by chapter number.

Crossword Puzzles
The Crossword Puzzles provide a fun and interactive overview of each chapter. Students, fill in the crossword puzzle based on material you've studied in each chapter.

Practice Quizzes
The Practice Quizzes test your knowledge of the important concepts in each chapter and the corresponding answers provide references to the relevant material within the textbook.

Supplemental Milestones
The Supplemental Milestones documents provide important dates and information that is relevant to the subjects studied within your text.